Looks Like Something Is Missing. Please Fix Any Issues and Try Again. Best Offer

When yous create new or revise the existing listings via eBaymag, a alert message may be returned by eBay. In nearly cases, eBaymag has no control over these messages and simply displays the errors that eBay sends.

Fault 21919188: It looks similar you've reached the number of items yous can list. You can list upwards to North items this calendar month. Request to list more

This mistake bulletin suggests that you have exceeded the selling limit you have on eBay. The limit is shared between all eBay sites. When y'all endeavour to submit a listing via eBaymag, it tin can exist rejected by eBay due to limitations. To resolve this mistake, you lot can either ready quantities in stock to 1 in order to save limits or contact eBay client support for further assistance regarding your limitations. Learn more most selling limits

Mistake (240):
The item cannot exist listed or modified. The title and/or description may contain improper words, or the listing or seller may be in violation of eBay policy.
This is a generic eBay error caused by either violation of the eBay selling policy or a restriction on your eBay business relationship. For example, the error may render if you use email or social media links in a title or description. This error tin too occur if your item is in violation of legislation in some countries.

To solve the trouble, yous need to check the title and description text and exclude restricted words, post-obit the hints from the error description. If it didn't help contact eBay customer support for farther help.

You are not opted into Business concern Policies. To go along using this feature please opt in using the following link: https://www.bizpolicy.ebay.de/businesspolicy/policyoptin

Follow the above link and click "Get started". You would be opted in to utilise Business concern policies immediately. And then, re-list your listings with errors.

Fault (21919262):

The electronic mail address y'all entered isn't linked to a PayPal business relationship. If you don't have a PayPal account, you'll need to prepare one upwardly with this email address then that buyers can pay you
1) Make sure your PayPal accost is entered and spelled correctly in your automatic payment method on eBay
2) Ostend your email address with Paypal. This is what an unconfirmed email address looks like in PayPal:

Error (21919303): The detail specific %Proper noun is missing. Add %Name to this listing, enter a valid value, and and then try again.
Check if eBaymag picked the right category for the listing. If the category is not valid, selection another i manually.
If the category is valid, you need to add together the required specific to your listing. You can do information technology in the Specifics department of your item. If the required specific is not relevant to your item only put "Does Non Apply" as the value and click "Save changes".

Cannot advise a category for the list on %{site}
Read our guide on how to pick the right category manually

Error (10068): E-mail address cannot exist used for PayPal payments at this fourth dimension.
This fault message is coming from eBay and information technology refers to the PayPal email address that you lot had ready on eBay. The error bulletin implies that the PayPal account is either not in good standing, or needs to be reviewed.

In order to resolve this issue, delight outset check the Payment Policy on eBay and ostend that the PayPal electronic mail address was entered correctly (without misspelling).

If your email address is correct, go to the PayPal website, log in, bank check the status of your business relationship and resolve any bug at that place.

Once resolved, try listing your items in eBaymag again.

Fault 107: The category isn't valid, select another category.

Sometimes eBay makes changes to the categories list. If the eBay category submitted for the item is invalid or no longer available, eBay will return this error. Here you tin can find the changes made to categories and meet if any of those that you apply have been changed. The but possible workaround for this problem is to select some other category.

Fault (21916293): Lvis validation blocked.

Lvis stands for Licensing Verification and Data Organisation and 'Lvis validation blocked' can occur when a listing is in alienation of the eBay listing policy. Most probable, your listing contains banned words, hyperlinks, or your selling limits take been reached. Contact eBay Customer Back up to find out the exact reason why the listing was blocked.

Error (21916884): Condition is required for this category.

When yous list an detail in some eBay categories, you lot must specify its status. Weather differ by item category, please check this eBay documentation to find out more: Item conditions by category and Item Condition IDs and Names.

To resolve this trouble, simply specify the actual condition for each item via eBaymag. We convert this description to those required by a specific category on the respective eBay site.

Error (121): You will be unable to complete this request until payment is fabricated or a credit card is put on file for automatic monthly billing.

This error may come up if you are a new seller and creating a listing for the first time, equally eBay requires sellers to set up a payment method to pay their list fees. To resolve this effect, learn how to set automatic payments on eBay. Later on that, you will be able to continue listing via eBaymag.

Error (640): We noticed that you don't accept a payment method set with your eBay account. Equally shortly as you take care of this, you'll exist able to listing more than items.

Well-nigh probable, you need to set upwards a payment method on eBay — either via PayPal or a credit bill of fare so that eBay can charge seller fees. Click on the following link to acquire how to set up automated payments on eBay and link your PayPal account. If you already have your PayPal business relationship linked, please relink it via eBay equally the PayPal authorizations to your eBay business relationship might take been revoked and need a renewal. After completing these tasks, try list your items again.

Mistake (21916328): Please specify a valid return policy.

eBay obligates you equally a Business seller to accept returns. This error may appear if your Return Policy is ready to Returns Non Accepted.

You need to navigate eBaymag > Orders & Aircraft > Shipping Policies and ready "Returns Accustomed" for each policy used in listings with this error.

Error (21916260): Shipping service price exceeds $XX.10 maximum immune for selected category.

The reason is that eBay restricts aircraft fees in sure categories. Yous have to lower your shipping fees within eBay's maximum immune limits. Many sellers even determine to include aircraft costs in the product prices and and then utilize free shipping. Additional information can be plant on eBay'south Maximum shipping costs assistance folio.

Error (21919309): %Specific should comprise only one value. Remove the extra values and try over again.

I of your specifics contains several values (e.1000. Color: Red, Green, Blueish), while eBay requires but 1. Exit just one value for this specific or divide several values using "/" (Red / Green / Blueish). The specific won't exist changed in your original listing.

The production has no images
If your item has been imported from eBay, first check are there whatsoever images in the original eBay listing. If the original listing has images merely eBaymag does non, delete the listing, import information technology once again and delight contact eBaymag back up.
If there are no images in original listings, add together them on eBay offset.

If your detail has been created manually via eBaymag or Excel y'all can add images in the product form.

Error (640): A hold has been placed on your eBay account.

If eBay places a hold, restriction, or break on your account, information technology too sends you an email explaining what'southward happened, and what you lot'll need to do to have your business relationship reinstated. You'll find a copy of this message in My Letters. Acquire more nigh account holds and restrictions

Errors (21919326, 21919302): ISBN (EAN, UPC) has an invalid value of "Due north".
eBay has identified that either the ISBN, EAN, or UPC of the particular you're trying to listing is wrong. Open the list and add the appropriate ISBN (EAN, UPC) to your item, or just leave this field blank.

Error (21919053): VariationSpecificsSet container (Item.Variations.VariationSpecificsSet) is required to list a Multi-SKU item.

Error (21916664): Variation Specifics provided does not match with the variation specifics of the variations on the item.

These errors occur when your particular had no variations earlier but now has them or vice versa. The listing cannot be updated due to breaking the validation rules. The merely workaround to this problem requires catastrophe the detail on eBay and re-listing it again.

Error (21916585): Duplicate custom variation characterization.
This error occurs when you modify the item's variations via eBay instead of making changes via eBaymag. At present, when submitting data to eBay from eBaymag, there is conflicting information on both platforms.

The best workaround for this problem is to remove an item from eBaymag, and re-import items from eBay to eBaymag to update the stock. During the re-import, we would skip the products that already be in eBaymag, and add the missing products (including the deleted one). Then try listing the particular again.

Error (21919067): It looks like this listing is for an item you already have on eBay. Nosotros don't allow listings for identical items from the same seller to appear on eBay at the same time. If you lot'd like to list more than 1 of the same item, create a multi-quantity fixed price listing.

This error means that you already accept an active eBay list for this particular. Navigate eBaymag > Items > Filters and filter by name of the item. In the filtering results y'all'll find duplicated items and volition exist able to delete ane of them.

Error (21916734): Variation pictures cannot exist removed during restricted revise.

This ways that y'all tin can not alter your pictures or remove variations if you have sold some items for this list, or the item is going to end in 12 hours. This is an eBay restriction. The merely pick would exist to finish this listing and create a new i.

Error (21916587): Missing proper noun in the variation specifics or variation specifics fix.
This error may appear during a Revise / Relist action if a proper noun of a variation specific (such as Color, Size, etc) differs from those you have used before.

For example, initially a specific proper name in your item variation was Colour, but later it was changed to Color. In accordance with eBay regulations, such a variation name won't be accepted.

To resolve this trouble you lot tin modify the initial variation label proper name in your particular or finish it and listing it once again every bit a new i.

Error (21920272): Users with a low feedback rating are not allowed to list an detail with Fixed Price format.

There are minimum requirements to list a Fixed Price detail. You are automatically qualified if you have a minimum feedback rating of 10 or are ID Verified. Look until you lot have a feedback rating of 30 or more and have been a registered user for at least xiv days or verify your ID to listing multiple quantity Fixed Cost items.

Error (73): The price in the listing is either invalid or below the minimum price of 1,00 EUR.

Virtually sites have a minimum price of 1 euro or 0.99 British pounds. This error occurs when the cost of the item, converted to the regional currency is below the limit. Increment the price of items on different sites to satisfy the local restrictions.

Error (21919107): The maximum allowed length for the ConditionDescription field is m characters.

As a result of the translation, the condition description of your item in some languages has exceeded the limit of 1000 characters. Try to shorten the status description and relist your item.

Error (10007): Lamentable, something went wrong. Delight wait a moment and endeavour over again.

This message indicates an mistake on the eBay server side, not an error in your list. Look a couple of minutes and retry your activity. Contact eBay Customer Support if the fault occurs again.

Variation have undefined toll

This message may appear when you import Auction style items without Purchase information technology Now toll. eBaymag allows importing Sale way listings but they can be listed on other international sites in Proficient 'Til Cancelled format but and must accept a price. So to resolve this, specify the price of your listing in eBaymag.


Source: https://help.ebaymag.com/en/articles/4130923-ebay-listing-errors-and-how-to-resolve-them

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